
     I feel like I haven't been blogging nearly as much as I should. I haven't gotten the hang of actually updating every day, which I desperately want to do, but I end up being busy with other things and forget to post here. Starting now I'm going to try to blog at least three times a week. No promises yet, but I will try. It all depends on how busy I am with school and other such things.
     Tomorrow I really need to study for my psychology of adjustment exam. I had two exams on Monday which I didn't do nearly as good as I need to. That usually happens though, I go through the first exam and learn how the professor's work and then I can adjust and do better on the other exams. I really need to study more though. Really bad.
     I'm thinking about applying to Stanford, no, not just thinking...I'm definitely going to apply. Even if I don't do as well as I want to I'm going to apply. You can always work some magic when applying to schools even if your grades aren't that great. They do read into people more than just scores. So I just have to make sure I am outstanding even if my grades aren't. (which I'm trying my best to make them that way.)
     I've also made a list of other schools I want to apply to. My next step is to prioritize them into which ones I definitely want to get into and my backup plans. I'm also trying to get my boyfriend to start worrying about these things more. He seems to think that just getting the degree is fine. Yes, it is, but it's always better to get the best you can and to make sure you know what you are doing to get there. He is just waiting for his adviser to tell him what to do, but sometimes they don't know what's best. You need to actually talk to people and people who are actually at the places you want to apply. Find out as many requirements as possible. Just getting your name heard by people there gives you a wedge in. They like it when people seem invested. Sorry for the long lecture, but this will help any of you guys out there applying to college soon.
     Ok, now that I feel I've rambled enough I thinking I'm going to sleep. It is almost 1 in the morning. I hate when I stay up so late. I hate my lack of schedule; it's going to kill me. Must sleep enough for studying tomorrow. Ugh....

Good Night world,
